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Dr Iraklis Paraskakis
Dr Iraklis Paraskakis is a Senior Research Officer at the South East European Research Centre (SEERC), and coordinator of the Information & Knowledge Management research cluster. He is also Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at CITY College, Greece, and Associate Lecturer in the Department of Informatics at the Hellenic Open University.
He holds a PhD in Information Technology and Education from the Open University (UK), and an MSc in Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems from London School of Economics.
His research interests are in the areas of educational informatics, information systems, and knowledge management. He has a number of publications in related conferences and journals, and has participated in several successfully completed and on-going EU projects in these areas. He has served as organising chair and program committee member in numerous international and regional conferences, and as a referee for several journals in the area of educational informatics. He is a member of BCS, IEEE, EARLI, AIED and AACE.
Participation in
Research Projects
- ODYSSEUS - Preventing, Countering and Investigating Terrorist Attacks Through Prognostic, Detection and Forensic Mechanisms for Explosive Precursors
- AgTech7 - A Knowledge Alliance of Agribusinesses, Academia and Business Angels for Disruptive Farm-to-Fork Agri-Tech Training
- ALLVET - HE and VET alliance establishment according to Bologna Principals implementation via VET teachers’ capacity building
- DI-PHDICTKES - The development and implementation of PhD Curricula in ICT for Kosovo Education System
- MIGREC - Migration, Integration and Governance Research Centre
- REACT - A digital approach to qualifying technicians in Energy Efficiency in Buildings
- iCBA - Intelligent Cross-Border Accelerator for Innovative ICT-enabled start-ups
- TeRRItoria - TErritorial Responsible Research and Innovation ThrOugh the involvement of local R&IActors
- GRACE - Grounding RRI Actions to Achieve Institutional Changes in European Research Funding and Performing Organisations
- DLT4All - A Knowledge Alliance for Blockchain in Academic, Entrepreneurial and Investment Training
- INVENT - Reinventing the Distribution and Delivery of Personal Services through Cloud Apps and Marketplaces. (project team lead)
- HOMER - Home made explosives (HMEs) and recipes characterisation (project team lead)
- Broker@Cloud - Enabling Continuous Quality Assurance and Optimization in Future Enterprise Cloud Service Brokers (project team lead)
- RELATE-ITN - Trans-European Research Training Network on Engineering and Provisioning of Service Based Cloud Applications (project team lead)
- MORMED - Multilingual Organic Information Management in the Medical Domain (project team lead)
- CAST - Enabling Customisation of SaaS Applications by Third Parties (project team lead)
- ELEVATE - Integrating Pedagogically-Documented, Value-Added E-Training Add-ons in Commercial Software Products of European Software SMEs (project team lead)
- OrganiK - An Organic Knowledge Management System for Small European Knowledge-intensive Companies (project team lead)
- S-Cube - Software Services and Systems Network (Associate Partner) (project team lead)
- FUSION - Business Process FUSION based on Semantically-enabled Service-Oriented Business Applications (project team lead)
- Ambient Learning - Ambient, Multimodal and Context-Sensitive Lifelong Learning (project team lead)
PhD Supervision
- :
- Vijon Baraku: Responsible Information Sharing in the era of Big Data Analytics facilitating Digital Economy through the use of Blockchain technology and observing GDPR
- Vaggelis Barmpas: Application Interoperability over Heterogeneous IoT Spaces
- Dr Dimitris Bibikas: Knowledge Management practices and emerging Web 2.0 technologies
- Dr Rustem Dautov: An ontology-driven adaptation framework for self-management in cloud application platforms
- Dr Fotis Gonidis: An ontology-driven framework for cross-platform development and deployment of cloud applications
- Dr Dimitrios Kourtesis: Policy-based governance in open service delivery networks
- Dr Petros Lameras: Networked Learning in South East Europe: University Teacher’s Conceptions and Approaches and Implications for Educational ICT Policy and Development
Click here to view publications by Dr Iraklis ParaskakisSee also
- Proceedings of the 3rd Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South East Europe
- Proceedings of the 2nd Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference
- Proceedings of the 1st Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South East Europe