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Mr. Anastasios Ntabizas is the Business Development Manager of SEERC. He holds a Master’s degree in Marketing, Advertising and PR from the University of Sheffield and a BSc degree in Computing & Management Science from Loughborough University, UK.
He has worked as a Coordinator / Team Leader at NOESIS -Thessaloniki Science Center & Technology Museum, where he trained and supported a large number of individuals for the purposes of ‘New beginning in EPAL’ initiative, a large scale project of the Ministry of Education, that foresees a series of ESF-funded interventions running in 398 EPAL Schools throughout the country, for the period of 2018-2021, with action plans linking VET with local communities and establishing cooperation with the greater educational and scientific society.
He held the position of the Community based organisations Coordinator for INTERSOS, where he coordinated, trained and supported many local Community Based Organizations in partnership with UNHCR, in the preparation, submission and implementation of CBO Projects and their relative proposals.
He was also employed for many years in the SEPVE - Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece, where he managed various large scale National and European funded projects.
He has organized a significant number of expert meetings, conferences and brokerage events in Greece and various EU countries. He has more than 11 years’ experience as a consultant and manager working for NGOs and public sector organisations.
Research Projects
- MORE project - Multifunctional role of women as a key driver for rural development
- ESMERALD - Enhancing SMEs’ Resilience After Lock Down
- Q4EDU - Quality for Digital Education Readiness in VET
- TraCCE - Community Enabled Open Training on Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship
- E-PROTECT II - Enhancing PROfessionals' capaciTy to dEal with Child vicTims
- SureMap - Sustainable Resource Management Programme to Solve Desert-ed Challenges
- ALLVET - HE and VET alliance establishment according to Bologna Principals implementation via VET teachers’ capacity building
- MechaUZ - Modernization of Mechatronics and Robotics for Bachelor Degree in Uzbekistan through innovative ideas and Digital Technology
- Elie 2.0 - Eliemental
- iCBA - Intelligent Cross-Border Accelerator for Innovative ICT-enabled start-ups