This presentation concerns national Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems strategy particularly within South Eastern Europe (SEE). Problems and delays in the introduction of NEHRS are well documented from a number of developed countries as the USA, England, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. One explanation is that current national EHR systems (NEHRS) initiatives are impeded by lack of evidence-based know-how, in the form of models, theories and methodology. However, establishing such a research base is problematic, partly because of the preliminary stage of NEHRS initiatives, but also because of the lack of research methodology for analysing data relating to those initiatives, as it emerges. This is of particular concern for SEE nations, where NEHRS strategy has yet to be formulated or is at an embryo stage. Accordingly, our research question is: Is there a methodology whereby experiences of nations with advanced NEHRS strategies can be utilised to analyse and suggest appropriate NEHRS strategies for less advanced nations within SEE, and what are the implications for data quality of the NEHRS strategies derived in this way?
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National Electronic Health Record Systems: A Methodological Approach to establishing Evidence-Based Know-How

Presenter(s) Leonidas Orfanidis, SEERC
Seminar type Research Student Seminar
Location SEERC Seminar Room
Date and time 08/12/2005, 13:00 – 14:00
Website http://