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Proceedings of Informatics Education Europe II (IEEII 2007): Developments in South East Europe

The 2nd Informatics Education Europe conference, IEEII, took place on 29-30 November 2007, in Thessaloniki. The conference was organized by CITY College and SEERC, and was sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery, Microsoft, the British Computer Society, the Greek Computer Society, and the Higher Education Academy of UK (Information and Computer Science). The main theme of IEEII this year was "Developments in South-East and East Europe" and this was greatly reflected in the presentations, since 40% of the presenters were Informatics Educators coming from this region.
The conference featured three keynote speaches by Prof. Eric Roberts from Stanford University, Dr Maria Fasli from Essex University, and Dr. Patrick Jermann from Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne. IEEII was attended by about 80 participants who had the opportunity to attend 40 presentations on many different areas in Informatics Education such as Teaching Methodologies, Profession & Skills Development, Teaching Methodologies and Support Tools, E-Learning, Curriculum Development.