Our partners from the ACCTING project and the UrbanCommunity are co-organizing a webinar in "Marginalized communities’ access to healthy and sustainable food: Stories from Thessaloniki".
Date: Wednesday 17 January 2024
Time: 11am – 12pm CET
The webinar will start with an introduction from ACCTING researchers on recommendations to policymakers on how to promote access to healthy and sustainable food for the marginalized and vulnerable in the context of the European Green Deal.
Greek activist Alexandra Charizani will then share insights from Pervolarides in Thessaloniki, a community distributing food that is healthy, seasonal, and regional to those who need it the most. Alexandra will share Pervolarides’ own experience and reflect on the policy changes needed for the situation to improve.
We will then open up the floor for a conversation with all online participants, to hear their own experiences, ask questions, and just have a nice chat together.
Register here.