On October 24-25, 2022, the WBC-RRI.NET partners gathered both physically and online for the latest project meeting which was organized in Thessaloniki, Greece by South-East European Research Centre (SEERC).
During the 1st day of the meeting, the partners presented the progress of the project and concentrated on the next steps and upcoming activities to be organized.
They participated in an active discussion regarding further implementation of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the Western Balkan countries and regions, as well as how this can facilitate their inclusion in the European Research Area (ERA).
During the 2nd day, the partners had the chance to hear more from 2 sister projects: RRI2SCALE Project and RRI-Leaders, and their work and experience towards reaching their project’s objectives and overall goals regarding RRI. They also discussed the importance and possible routes for further networking with other projects and/or initiatives beyond the defined territories of WBC-RRI.NET.
The realization of an ‘Evaluation workshop’ was an important featured activity of the 2nd day of the meeting, which will be useful later on for the implementation of the project’s results. The partners formed 4 different working groups and engaged in an evaluation exercise that provided many useful insights and lessons that will be valuable in the evaluation of upcoming activities of the project.
Stay tuned for more updates from the WBC-RRI.NET project.