We are happy to present the TeRRItoria Policy Recommendations that were developed by the SEERC members, Prof. George Eleftherakis and Maria Michali, within the context of the TeRRitoria project.
The document describes a set of recommendations for the integration of #RRI principles and dimensions into regional R&I policies, including S3. In detail, Quadruple Helix representatives can consider the following recommendations and suggestions:
A. Recommendations for integrating RRI principles into the design stage of regional innovation policies and S3 (including Entrepreneurial Discovery Process - EDP)
B. Recommendations for integrating the RRI principles and dimensions into the implementation stage of regional innovation policies and S3
C. Recommendations for integrating RRI principles and dimensions into the monitoring and evaluation stage of regional innovation policies and S3
D. Overall suggestions for RRI integration into regional innovation policies and S3
E. Suggestions for enhancing the sustainability of RRI-driven regional policies and their results.
The policies are based on the outputs of core project activities and exchange of experiences among #TeRRItoria partners throughout the entire project lifespan.
Download the TeRRItoria Policy Recommendations here:
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The TeRRItoria Policy Recommendations
Added on 30/03/2022