3rd ReTraCE Network School on
“Innovative Bottom-up Circular Economy Business Models”
7th -11th December 2020
Jointly organised by ReTraCE project partners SEERC (Greece), ABIS (Belgium), and University of Naples Parthenope (Italy), the school will focus on innovative business models for the promotion of Circular Economy through a bottom-up approach.The course will examine both theoretical and practical issues facing managers and entrepreneurs in order to drive innovation within their organizations.
At the end of the School, every participant will have a comprehensive understanding of how revenues can be generated successfully, which promotion channels are the most aligned with the target group, and how business ideas and property rights can be protected.
The full agenda is available at http://www.retrace-itn.eu/3rd-retrace-network-school/
Please, register here and join via the following link: https://www.gotomeet.me/USFD/retrace-school-innovative-bottom-up-cebm