In the frame of the Open Seminar Series at SEERC, we are pleased to announce a seminar to be delivered by Dr Dawn Teare, Senior Lecturer in Genetic Epidemiology, at ScHARR, at The University of Sheffield, on the topic: “How large should a pilot trial be?”. The seminar is scheduled to take place on Monday 18 February 2013 at 12:00at SEERC Conference room (3rd floor, Strategakis building).
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How large should a pilot trial be?

Presenter(s) Dr. M. Dawn Teare, ScHARR, The University of Sheffield
Seminar type Open Seminar Series
Location SEERC Conference room, 3rd floor, Strategakis bldg.
Date and time 18/02/2013, 12:00-13:00
Website http://