In the frame of the Open Seminar Series at SEERC, we are pleased to announce a seminar to be delivered by Dr Peter Bath, from theInformation School of The University of Sheffield, on the topic:“Health Informatics: opportunities and challenges for the use of Information and Communication Technologies in health care”. The seminar is scheduled to take place in the SEERC Conference Room (Strategakis Bld. 3rd floor), on Thursday 26 May, 2011 at 12:00.
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Health Informatics: opportunities and challenges for the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in health care

Presenter(s) Dr. Peter A. Bath, Reader in Health Informatics, Information School, University of Sheffield, UK
Seminar type Open Seminar Series
Location SEERC Conference Room
Date and time 26/05/2011, 12:00-13:00
Website http://