Information for authors

Authors should submit research contributions or practical experience reports in English. All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 members of the programme committee, which will be chaired by Dr. Barry Eaglestone (Centre for Health Information Management Research, Sheffield University,UK) and Dr. Panos Bamidis (Medical Informatics Medical School Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR).

Papers should not be simultaneously submitted elsewhere, or have been previously published.

Papers should be set out in accordance with the Health Informatics Journal requirements.

Please use the provided template.

Full Papers/Short Papers

These should present research contributions or practical experience reports, for presentation at the Symposium. Full papers should be not more than 5,000 words. Short papers should be not more than 3,000 words.

Discussion Papers

These should be position papers of not more than 1,500 words, for group discussion at the Symposium.


Poster sessions provide a forum for introducing work in its early stages. Poster contributors are required to submit an extended abstract of between 300 and 500 words in English, describing the problem area, the work being carried out, and why the work is important. Authors of accepted poster abstracts would be invited to make a short presentation and to develop a poster presentation for display at the Symposium.

How to Submit

Electronic submissions must be in the form of Word documents. Deadline for submission of papers/posters: 15 May 2005

Papers should be sent to the conference secretariat


The Symposium Proceedings, including all full, short and discussion papers presented, and abstracts for posters and workshops, will be published by SEERC. In addition, selected papers will be published in future issues of the Health Informatics Journal, as has occurred in previous iSHIMR events.

The Tenth International Symposium on Health Information Management Research
Theme: "Improving the quality of health information - an international perspective"
22-24 September 2005 Thessaloniki, Greece

Jointly Organised by:
Department of Computer Science, CITY Liberal Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece
The Centre for Health Information Management Research, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
South-East European Research Centre SEERC