8th South East European Doctoral Student Conference
16 - 17 September 2013, Thessaloniki - Greece
Bizzabo Application
Bizzabo is an application for mobile devices that helps attendees of a conference to expand their netoworking opportunities and stay up to date regarding the agenda of the conference. More information can be found on the official webiste of Bizzabo
The application is available for mobile devices that run on iOS or android operating system from and
Installation instructions
- Download and install the application on your mobile device.
- Login using your LinkedIn account.
- Search for the event using the name of the conference: "8th South East European Doctoral Student Conference"
Bizzabo requires at least iOS 5.0 or Android 2.2 and medium screen size of the mobile device.
On the agenda of the event you will find information about the speakers of the workshops and the papers presentations. All speakers` profiles was filled in based on public information found on LinkedIn. Furterhmore the assumption was made that the first author of each paper is going to present the paper on the conference.
For corrections or additions to speakers` profile, questions or further information about bizzabo application please contact Mr. Fotis Gonidis, fgonidis@seerc.org
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