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Books Publications by SEERC

Proceedings of the 12th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe (2018)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 12th Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference (DSC 2018). The Conference, organized by the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) was successfully held during 9-11 of May 2018 at CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, in Thessaloniki, Greece, during the 3rd Young Researchers' Skills Development Week 2018 (YRW read more ...

Proceedings of the 11th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe (2017)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 11th Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference (DSC 2017). The Conference, organized by the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) was successfully held during 17-19 of May 2017 at CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, in Thessaloniki, Greece, during the 2nd Young Researchers' Skills read more ...

Proceedings of the 10th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe (2015)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 10th Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference (DSC2015). The Conference, organized by the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) was successfully held on the 17 and 18 of September 2015 at CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
The 10th read more ...
Proceedings of the 9th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe (2014)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 9th Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference (DSC2014). The Conference, organized by the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) was successfully held on the 25 and 26 of September 2014 at CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
The read more ...

Proceedings of the 8th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe (2013)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 8th Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference (DSC2013). The Conference, organized by the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) was successfully held on the 16th and 17th of September 2013 at CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
The read more ...

Proceedings of the 7th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe (2012)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 7th Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference (DSC2012). The Conference, organized by the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) was successfully held on the 24th and 25th of September 2012 at CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
read more ...

Proceedings of the 6th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe (2011)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 6th Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference (DSC2011), which took place on September 19th and 20th 2011 in Thessaloniki, Greece, and was organised by the South-East European Research Centre.
The aim of the conference read more ...

Proceedings of the 5th Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South East Europe (2010)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 5th Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference (DSC2010) which took place on the 13th and 14th of September 2010, in Thessaloniki, Greece, and was organised by the South East European Research Centre.
The aim of the conference was to initiate an exchange of knowledge between young researchers and to help establish a network of scholars read more ...

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD 2009) (2009)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD 2009), which was held on the 24th and 25th of April 2009, in Thessaloniki, Greece, in conjunction with the 2009 Annual Technology Innovation International (TII) Conference. The theme of ICEIRD 2009 was "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Crossroads Triggers, read more ...

Proceedings of the 4th Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South East Europe (2009)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 4th Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference (DSC2008) which took place on the 6th and 7th of July 2009, in Thessaloniki, Greece, and was organised by the South East European Research Centre. The aim of the conference is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between new researchers and to consolidate the established network of scholars read more ...

Proceedings of the 3rd Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South East Europe (2008)
This volume consists of papers presented at the 3nd Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference (DSC2008) which took place on the 26th and 27th of June 2008, in Thessaloniki, Greece, and was organised by the South East European Research Centre. Building on the success of DSC2006 and DSC2007, this year's conference attracted an even larger number of submissions and resulted in around 85 read more ...

6th International Conference on Networked Learning - Handbook and Abstracts (2008)
Networked learning in higher education and lifelong learning was the central theme of the 6th International Conference on Networked Learning which took place in Halkidiki, Greece, on the 5th and 6th of May 2008. The conference was organised by Lancaster University and hosted by the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki and the University of Piraeus.

Social Policy and International Interventions in South East Europe (2007)
This engaging book investigates the role of international actors in the making of social policy in South East Europe. Introductory chapters on transnationalism and Europeanisation are followed by a series of nine linked case studies depicting research undertaken within this region. The book charts the variable influence that international actors such as formal organisations, non-governmental organisations, read more ...

Proceedings of the 3rd South East European Workshop on Formal Methods: Service-Oriented Computing and Teaching Formal Methods (2007)
This book is the outcome of the 3rd South East European Workshop on Formal Methods (SEEFM07), which took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, on November 30 - December 1, 2007. The workshop was organised by SEERC and CITY College, and sponsored by BCS-FACS, the specialist group of the British Computer Society in Formal Aspects of Computing Science, read more ...

Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration on Children and Cancer Care and Prevention (2007)
This book consists of papers presented at the 1st Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration Workshop on Cancer and Children (IRCCC 2009), which was held on the 14th of November 2007, in Thessaloniki, Greece. The panel consisted of internationally renowned speakers from the UK, Greece, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia and Turkey. The main objective of the IRCCC is to read more ...

Proceedings of Informatics Education Europe II (IEEII 2007): Developments in South East Europe (2007)
The 2nd Informatics Education Europe conference, IEEII, took place on 29-30 November 2007, in Thessaloniki. The conference was organized by CITY College and SEERC, and was sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery, Microsoft, the British Computer Society, the Greek Computer Society, and the Higher Education Academy of UK (Information and Computer Science). The main theme of IEEII read more ...

Proceedings of the 2nd Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference (2007)
The 2nd Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference (DSC2007) took place on June 22nd and 23rd in Thessaloniki, Greece, and was organised by the South East European Research Centre. Building on the success of the first conference, this year's conference attracted a large number of submissions resulting in around 100 presentations of both papers and posters.
The audience of the read more ...

Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Membrane Computing (2007)

Infusing Knowledge into South East European SMEs: Establishing a Platform for Developing Business Alliances, Supply Chains and SME-Research Community Interaction (2006)
This is a book based on the project "Infusing Knowledge into South East European SMEs: Establishing a Platform for Developing Business Alliances, Supply Chains, and SME-Research Interactions", funded by the British & Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO). The research has concluded that the lack of an institutional framework is restraining the development of any form of systemic knowledge transfer mechanisms read more ...

Proceedings of the 1st Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference: Infusing Research and Knowledge in South East Europe (2006)
The 1st Annual SEERC Doctoral Student Conference (DSC2006) took place on July 10, 2006, in Thessaloniki, Greece, and was organised by the South East European Research Centre. The aim of the conference was to initiate an exchange of knowledge between young researchers and to help establish a network of scholars currently undertaking research in South East Europe. The conference was multidisciplinary read more ...

Supply Chain Management and Logistics in South East Europe (2006)
Supply Chain Management and Information Systems took place at the Electra Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-8 July 2005. More than 200 participants from all over 25 different countries participated and over 80 papers were presented and published in the proceedings. It was hailed as atruly international event by the Greek media and one which will be catalyst for improving supply read more ...

Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on e-Government and its Spatial Dimension (2006)
The International Workshop on "eGovernment and its Spatial Dimension" took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on the 9th of June 2006. The workshop was organised by the South-East European Research Centre (Greece), CITY College (Greece), and URSIT Ltd (Bulgaria), under the auspices of the Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform, Bulgaria. The workshop was attended by more than 80 people read more ...

Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Economics & Security (2006)
This volume consists of 18 papers out of the 33 presented at the 10th Annual International Conference on Economics & Security, which took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, on the 22nd-24th of June, 2006. The conference covered a wide range of topics - both theoretical and applied in nature - on economics and security. Participants included scholars amd researchers from institutionsin Greece, Turkey, read more ...

Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research (2005)
The proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Health Information Research (iSHIMR 2005) comprises 70 papers from the participants of the symposium which attracted 150 scholars from 15 different countries. iSHIMR 2005 aimed at bringing together people who are carrying out, or are interested in, research in the general area of health information management and health informatics technology, read more ...

Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems (2005)
The proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems (SCMIS 2005) comprise of 80 papers from the participants of the Workshop which gathered 250 scholars and businessmen from 22 different countries. The workshop took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 6-8 July 2005, and was organised by the South-East European Research Centre (SEERC), in collaboration read more ...

Proceedings of the 2nd South East European Workshop on Formal Methods: Formal Methods: Challenges in the Business World (2005)
The 2nd South-East European Workshop on Formal Methods (SEEFM05) took place in Ohrid, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on the 18th and 19th of November 2005. It was organised jointly by CITY College, SEERC, and the University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius and held as a satellite event of the 2nd Balkan Conference in Informatics. The SEEFM workshop series aims to bring together researchers from read more ...

Financial Sector Reform in South East Europe (2005)
A Banking and Finance Workshop was organised by SEERC in the summer of 2004 in Skopje, that brought together academics, bankers, chief economists and finance consultants as well as representatives of international organisations. The aim was to assess the current state of the financial sectors of South Eastern Europe and provide an insight into the priority issues for financial sector reform in the read more ...

Democratisation in Southeast Europe: An Introduction to Election Issues (2005)
This book focuses on important issues in electoral process in Southeast Europe. Its approach and content are based on the assumption that electoral process and design are essential building blocks of stable democratic systems. It explores many of the ways in which variations in these key factors have affected the process of democratisation in the region. The book's eight chapters read more ...

Proceedings of the 1st South-East European Workshop on Formal Methods: Agile Formal Methods: Practical, Rigorous Methods for a Changing World (2004)
The 1st South-East European Workshop on Formal Methods (SEEFM03) took place in Thessaloniki on November 20, 2003. It was jointly organised by CITY College and SEERC, as a satellite event of the 1st Balkan Conference on Informatics (BCI 2003). The aim of the workshop was to bring together researchers from South-Eastern European countries and others who are interested in Formal Methods. read more ...

Integrating the Western Balkans Into Europe The Aftermath of the Greek EU Presidency (2003)
In July 2003, just two weeks after the Greek Presidency's EU Summit in Porto Carras, SEERC convened a meeting of 50 policy experts, NGO leaders, and academics to evaluate the outcomes of the Summit's explicit efforts to promote the cause of inclusion within the EU of the countries of the Western Balkans. This volume presents the results of this meeting.