The Information & Knowledge Management research cluster belongs to the ICT Research Track of the
South-East European Research Centre of the University of Sheffield.
SEERC is established as a non-profit legal entity in Thessaloniki, Greece, and is based at the University of Sheffield International Faculty, City College.
Our group engages in interdisciplinary research, exploring combinations of approaches, methods and technologies in several applications domains. Since 2006, the group's work has been evolving along two main streams of research:
We view information and knowledge management as the overarching theme in our work, and aspire to bring contributions to multiple application domains by exploring synergies and working with multidisciplinary lenses.
The Information & Knowledge Management Research Cluster is one of the three groups in the
ICT Research Track at the South East European Research Centre (SEERC). The cluster is coordinated by
Dr. Iraklis Paraskakis,
and currently comprises several past and three current full-time research
The research we carry out spans several fields of study within and across Computer Science, Information Science, Management Science, Learning Sciences, and Social Sciences.
At the centre of our work is the creation and application of novel means for representing, processing, and communicating information and knowledge. One area of application is enhancing collaboration, learning, and teaching within networks of individuals and organisations. Another application area is enhancing management of platforms and ecosystems for the delivery of software-based services.
These two themes represent the main streams of research along which our work has been organised since 2006. Each of the two streams has a number of associated sponsored research projects
Dr. Iraklis Paraskakis, Senior Research Officer, Research Cluster Coordinator
Interests: Educational Informatics (Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Teaching Strategies in ITSs, Network Learning, Virtual Learning Environments), Information Systems, Knowledge Management, Social Computing
Personal page
Dr. Symeon Veloudis, Research Associate
Interests: Cloud Computing, Formal Modelling, Semantic Web Techologies, Security, Real-Time Critical Systems, Software Engineering
Personal page
Dimitris Bibikas, Research Associate
Interests: Organisational Knowledge Management, Innovation Management, Social Networks and Adaptive Strategies
Personal page
Kleanthis Mokios, Research Associate
Interests: Software Engineering (Java EE), Semantic Web Technologies, Cloud Computing, Stochastic Modelling
Ioannis Arampatzis, Research Associate
Interests: Cloud Computing, Semantic Web Technologies,Software Engineering
Dimitrios Kourtesis, Research Associate
Interests: Service Oriented Computing, Cloud Computing, Governance and Quality Control, Semantic Web Technologies, Software Engineering
Dr. Fotis Gonidis, Research Associate
Interests: Cloud Computing, Model-Driven Engineering, Ontologies and Semantic Web technologies
Rustem Dautov, Research Associate
Interests: Cloud Computing, Autonomic Computing, Service-Oriented Computing and Software Engineering
Konstantinos Bratanis, Research Associate
Interests: Service Oriented Computing, Web Service technologies, Adaptation and Monitoring, Cloud computing, Software Engineering
Petros Lameras, Research Associate
Interests: Knowledge Management, Blended Learning, Distance Learning, Virtual Learning Environments and Computer Mediated Communications
Ikaros Tsantekidis, Research Associate
Interests: Intelligent Educational Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Automated Planning, Intelligent Agents
Eleni Kargioti, Research Associate
Interests: Knowledge Management, Semantic Web technologies, Social Software
Andreas Konstantinidis, Research Associate
Interests: Collaborative Virtual Environments, Collaborative Learning and Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Learning Management Systems
Chris Petsos, Research Associate
Interests: Object-Oriented Software Engineering Theory, Cloud Computing and Streaming Media Applications
The Information and Knowledge Management Research Cluster has participated in several international collaborative research projects funded under FP6, FP7, EUREKA Eurostars and CIP-ICT. Collaborations
IKM sponsored research projects (past, ongoing and forthcoming):
Social and intelligent knowledge management for collaboration, learning, and teaching:
Semantics-based information processing for managing software services and open cloud ecosystems:
Our cluster seeks collaborations with researchers and research groups from within SEERC and SEERC''s parent institutions (University of Sheffield and CITY College), as well as other research institutes and organisations. The framework of collaboration may be formal, i.e. through joint participation in sponsored research projects, or informal, i.e. through joint initiatives and publications.
Below is a list of organisations that the Information & Knowledge Management Research Cluster has collaborated with in the context of sponsored research projects:
Collaborations with researchers from CITY College, The University of Sheffield and other organisations beyond sponsored research projects are as follows:
Address: South East European Research Centre, 24 Pr. Koromila St., 54622,Thessaloniki, Greece
Telephone: 0030 2310 253477
Fax: 0030 2310 234205
Email: (cluster coordinator)